Engaging with MASS AWIS

There are many ways that you can give back through MASS AWIS. Whether you want to support us as an individual or corporate donor, provide free memberships for your constituents employees and/or students, or are a member looking to volunteer with us, we have something for you!
Corporate Sponsorships

MASS AWIS welcomes sponsorships from organizations to support our efforts either through donations towards our general operating expenses, or through program-specific donations to fund the costs of our DEI, mentoring, networking, leadership, entrepreneurship, career development, and other events to support women and other minority groups in STEM.​​
Email our Outreach and Engagement Chairs to find out more about our 2024-25 Sponsorship Levels.​​
Organizational Partners
Your organization has the opportunity to partner with us through our National AWIS organization. As a partner organization, all women and other minority genders on your workforce or student base can obtain a free year of membership in National AWIS and up to three local chapters. They receive career support through our global network of talented STEM professionals and participation in any of our talent development programs. We also provide you with data-driven advice in your STEM hiring and talent retention needs, and your organization gains visibility as one committed to workplace diversity.

MASS AWIS welcomes and appreciates all volunteers. Every Board members is a volunteer, and any volunteer may apply for a Board position with MASS AWIS when applications open in late spring.
We ask that volunteers and Board participants be members.​
Volunteering is an opportunity to:
Expand your network – meet new and exciting people in diverse backgrounds, make important contacts, expand your career options.
Grow as a person – build new skills or refine existing ones, gain leadership experience, learn about teamwork.
Give back to the community – support a cause, make a positive impact.

​Please contact our committee chairs at the links below for volunteer opportunities.